Exclusive Subscription Example
This page describes how to configure an exclusive subscription for one stream. Refer to the exclusive subscription section for details.
To test the example code, open three terminals simultaneously and run node producer.js
, then run consumer-1.js
in second terminal and consumer-2.js
in third terminal. If successful, you will see messages in both consumer terminals.
- A Macrometa account with admin permissions.
- An API key with admin permissions. For more information, refer to Create API Keys.
- The appropriate SDK installed. For more information, refer to Install SDKs.
Producer Example
This code creates a stream if one doesn't already exist, then creates a producer.
- JavaScript SDK
- Python SDK
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const BASE_URL = "https://play.paas.macrometa.io/"
client = new jsc8({
url: BASE_URL,
apiKey: "xxxxxx",
fabricName: "_system",
const streamName = "streamQuickstart";
async function createStream() {
if (await client.hasStream(streamName, false)) {
console.log("This stream already exists!");
console.log(`Existing Producer = c8globals.${streamName}`);
} else {
console.log("\nCreating global stream...");
// To create a global stream, set the second parameter to false
// There is an option to create a local stream, which is only accessible within the region
const streamInfo = await client.createStream(streamName, false);
console.log(`New Producer = ${streamInfo.result["stream-id"]}`);
async function producer() {
try {
// Create stream only if stream does not exist
await console.log("\nConnecting producer to global stream...");
// Request stream object
const stream = client.stream(streamName, false);
// Request One Time Password
const producerOTP = await stream.getOtp();
// Create producer
const producer = await stream.producer(BASE_URL.replace("https://",""), {
otp: producerOTP
// Run producer - Open connection to server
producer.on("open", () => {});
// Set messages in interval of 1000 ms
setInterval(() => {
// If your message is an object, convert the object to a string.
// e.g. const message = JSON.stringify({message:'Hello World'});
const message = `Hello Macrometa Stream! Here is your random message number ${Math.floor(
Math.random() * 101
let payloadObj = { payload: Buffer.from(message).toString("base64") };
}, 1000);
producer.onclose = function () {
console.log("Closed WebSocket:Producer connection for " + streamName);
} catch (e) {
await console.log("Error while creating stream publisher" + e);
import os
import random
import time
from c8 import C8Client
""" For Python SDK we can omit https:// part of the URL """
BASE_URL = "play.paas.macrometa.io/"
stream_name = "stream_quickstart"
""" Connect to GDN """
client = C8Client(
""" Create stream"""
def create_stream():
has_stream = client.has_stream(stream_name)
""" Create a stream if stream does not exist """
if has_stream:
print("This stream already exists!")
print(f"Existing Producer = c8globals.${stream_name}")
print("\nCreating global stream...")
stream_info = client.create_stream(stream_name, False)
print(f"New Producer = ${stream_info['stream-id']}")
""" Create producer and send data through a stream """
def create_producer():
producer = client.create_stream_producer(stream_name, local=False)
while True:
message = f"Hello Macrometa Stream! Here is your random message number {random.randint(1, 100)}"
Create Consumer 1
This code creates a stream if one doesn't already exist, then creates the first consumer.
- JavaScript SDK
- Python SDK
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const BASE_URL = "https://play.paas.macrometa.io/"
client = new jsc8({
url: BASE_URL,
apiKey: "xxxxxx",
fabricName: "_system",
const streamName = "streamQuickstart";
const subscriptionName = "consumer-subscription"
async function createStream() {
if (await client.hasStream(streamName, false)) {
console.log("This stream already exists!");
console.log(`Existing Consumer = c8globals.${streamName}`);
} else {
console.log("\nCreating global stream...");
// To create a global stream, set the second parameter to false
// There is an option to create a local stream, which is only accessible within the region
const streamInfo = await client.createStream(streamName, false);
console.log(`New Consumer = ${streamInfo.result["stream-id"]}`);
async function consumer() {
try {
await console.log("\nConnecting consumer to global stream...");
// Create stream only if stream does not exist
// Request stream object
const stream = client.stream(streamName, false);
// Request One Time Password
const consumerOTP = await stream.getOtp();
// Create consumer
const consumer = await stream.consumer(subscriptionName, BASE_URL.replace("https://",""), {
otp: consumerOTP
// Run consumer - open connection to server
consumer.on("message", (msg) => {
const { payload, messageId } = JSON.parse(msg);
// Received message payload
console.log(Buffer.from(payload, "base64").toString("ascii"));
// Send message acknowledgement
consumer.send(JSON.stringify({ messageId }));
} catch (e) {
await console.log("Could not receive messages " + e);
import base64
import json
import os
from c8 import C8Client
""" For Python SDK we can omit https:// part of the URL """
BASE_URL = "play.paas.macrometa.io/"
stream_name = "stream_quickstart"
""" Connect to GDN """
client = C8Client(
""" Create consumer and receive data through a stream """
def create_consumer():
print("\nConnecting consumer to global stream...")
consumer = client.subscribe(
while True:
message = json.loads(consumer.recv())
decoded_message = base64.b64decode(message['payload']).decode('utf-8')
print(f"Received message '{decoded_message}' id='{message['messageId']}'")
{'messageId': message['messageId']}))
Create Consumer 2
This code creates a stream if one doesn't already exist, then creates the second consumer.
The name of consumer 2 must match the name of consumer 1.
- JavaScript SDK
- Python SDK
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const BASE_URL = "https://play.paas.macrometa.io/"
client = new jsc8({
url: BASE_URL,
apiKey: "xxxxxx",
fabricName: "_system",
const streamName = "streamQuickstart";
const subscriptionName = "consumer-subscription"
async function createStream() {
if (await client.hasStream(streamName, false)) {
console.log("This stream already exists!");
console.log(`Existing Consumer = c8globals.${streamName}`);
} else {
console.log("\nCreating global stream...");
// To create a global stream, set the second parameter to false
// There is an option to create a local stream, which is only accessible within the region
const streamInfo = await client.createStream(streamName, false);
console.log(`New Consumer = ${streamInfo.result["stream-id"]}`);
async function consumer() {
try {
await console.log("\nConnecting consumer to global stream...");
// Create stream only if stream does not exist
// Request stream object
const stream = client.stream(streamName, false);
// Request One Time Password
const consumerOTP = await stream.getOtp();
// Create consumer
const consumer = await stream.consumer(subscriptionName, BASE_URL.replace("https://",""), {
otp: consumerOTP
// Run consumer - open connection to server
consumer.on("message", (msg) => {
const { payload, messageId } = JSON.parse(msg);
// Received message payload
console.log(Buffer.from(payload, "base64").toString("ascii"));
// Send message acknowledgement
consumer.send(JSON.stringify({ messageId }));
} catch (e) {
await console.log("Could not receive messages " + e);
import base64
import json
import os
from c8 import C8Client
""" For Python SDK we can omit https:// part of the URL """
BASE_URL = "play.paas.macrometa.io/"
stream_name = "stream_quickstart"
""" Connect to GDN """
client = C8Client(
""" Create consumer and receive data through a stream """
def create_consumer():
print("\nConnecting consumer to global stream...")
consumer = client.subscribe(
while True:
message = json.loads(consumer.recv())
decoded_message = base64.b64decode(message['payload']).decode('utf-8')
print(f"Received message '{decoded_message}' id='{message['messageId']}'")
{'messageId': message['messageId']}))